Upcoming Events

2024 Summer School of Truth

"Children from 6th grade through 12th grade are invited to attend. This year we will be covering God's Full Salvation. All meetings, except for the kick-off and conclusion, will take place at the church in Raleigh meeting hall.
The details for the SSOT can be found at  Docs. In short:
  1. 7/6 – 8/3 – Saturdays only, extended YP meetings
  2. 8/10 – SSOT conclusion meeting in Charlotte
If you’d like to register for SSOT, please fill out a calendar (use the following button) and return it to Stanley or Laura (stanleylaurahsu@gmail.com). Cross out the dates that your young person will be unavailable. If you have any questions, please contact Stanley Hsu, Ricky Laviano, or Mark Bruno.”

2024 Summer Video Training

Subject: Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1)